How works

Welcome to our unique website, designed as a bridge between you and the higher intelligence, also known as God. Let’s dive into how it all works.

  1. Questions to the Universe: Start by posing a question that can be answered with a „yes“ or „no“. Keep in mind that the way you frame your questions may influence the answer you receive.
  2. Processing Your Question: Once you submit your question, it’s analyzed by our special algorithm. This algorithm is designed to understand and recognize the will of the higher intelligence within the universal energy that surrounds us.
  3. Answer from the Universe: Based on your question and the algorithm’s analysis, you’ll receive a response. This could be simple answers like „yes“ or „no“. In some instances, the answer might be more complex, like if you’re not yet ready to know the answer or if the question needs rephrasing.
  4. Communication with God: The fundamental idea is that God, as the omnipresent universal energy, is everywhere and in everything. Your questions and the way you pose them become a medium of communication with this higher intelligence.

We believe in the power of universal energy, and through our website, you can forge a deeper connection with the higher intelligence. Enjoy your dialogue with the universe and discover answers to your most pressing questions!

Connect with the Author

If you’re interested in a deeper discussion or have more complex questions, we’d like to offer you the opportunity to connect directly with the author of this website. Whether you’re seeking answers beyond the simple „yes“ or „no“, or you just want to share your thoughts and feelings with someone who can provide further insight, we’re here for you.

Please fill out the following contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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